Mediation Support for Employers

You could be the Chairman, owner, Managing Director or HR Manager. You are the mediation commissioner acting on behalf of the business to seek conflict resolution. Depending on the severity of the dispute, you may be called upon for the appropriate advice, to facilitate meetings, conduct disciplinary procedures/grievances or even prepare for employment tribunals. Mediation can be particularly stressful for anyone affiliated with the business. The introduction of third-party mediation routinely diffuses the burden and tension that accompanies professional conflict as your mediator has no connection with the business or the conflict - only its resolution. It also evidences the appropriate steps taken to reach a satisfactory resolution for all parties - guided by a neutral, accredited mediator.

The benefits of Mediation are:

  • Highly experienced mediation support

  • The value of external, independent guidance

  • Swiftly available (prompt intervention routinely leads to quicker conflict resolution)

  • Even if there is no significant change in attitudes, mediation can provide a degree of pragmatism that allows the parties to continue working together in some form

  • Reduces and relieves the associated stress for management of the individuals involved

  • Evidences the appropriate steps taken to try and achieve a satisfactory resolution

  • Regularly avoids costly escalations and tribunals

  • We can help to achieve satisfactory resolution - equally, for all parties, without duress

Mediation works in over 80% of cases and it can work for you. Mediation offers an affordable and effective way to move forward and gives you the route and confidence to deal with situations that are challenging by nature.

Click here to meet your mediators.

ADR Group Accredited Online Mediator

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